Board of Directors Meeting – October 3, 2022

In attendance were Nina North-Murphy, President, presiding; Vincent Volpe, Vice President; Alison Ferring, and David Sweeney. John Dubinsky, Janet Rainford, and Keith Savage attended virtually. 

Also present were Chief Executive Officer Waller McGuire and staff members Maryann Brickey, Marlin Clark, Tiffany Davis, Jon Drakesmith, Adele Heagney, Cathy Heimberger, Laura Kuhl, Liz McArthur, Mary Meyer, Daisy Porter-Reynolds; Justin Struttmann, Liz Reeves, Jim Slattery, Laura Stallings, Lisa Thorpe, Jen Wiese, and Lisa Stump, Lashly & Baer. 

The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by President North-Murphy. 

Mr. Sweeney's motion, seconded by Mr. Dubinsky, to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2022 meeting was approved. 

Public Comment
No public comment was received for the October meeting. 

President's Report
President North-Murphy said that she appreciated her two terms as Board President and that she had. led only three meetings before Covid forced the Board meetings to go virtual. The Board unanimously expressed appreciation for her work. 

CEO Report
Mr. McGuire stated that the staff joined the Board in expressing appreciation for President North Murphy's work, including, for instance, her actions in making Covid vaccines available to staff at the height of the pandemic. Jim Slattery, the Library's new CFO, went over the budget and investment reports, which were through August, 2022. Revenue and expenditures are consistent with the budget and the prior year. Director of Human Resources Jen Wiese summarized the HR report and the work done on the Library's benefit package for 2022. The Library is staying with the same provider, Anthem, but additional health coverage options are being offered as well as lowered costs for employees. One insurance option is now available at no cost to employees. Mr. Savage asked whether recruitment was difficult in the current environment, and Ms. Wiese responded that some positions were challenging to fill but the Library had gotten excellent candidates for several open positions. Director of the Foundation Liz Reeves was out of town and Mr. McGuire presented the Foundation report, encouraging members to attend the upcoming exhibit opening in the Great Hall. Mr. McGuire mentioned that the Foundation was very interested in being included in strategic planning work for 2023, and suggested that a joint meeting of the governing and foundation boards would be very positive: it has been several years since we have done so. Staff will investigate and make recommendations. 

Election of Officers
President North-Murphy stated that the Nominating Committee had put forward in September a slate of Vincent Volpe for President and Keith Savage for Vice President and asked if there was a motion to approve that slate. Mr. Dubinsky made the motion to approve seconded by Mr. Sweeney. Approval was unanimous, followed by applause. 

New Business
Mr. McGuire stated that a Resolution had been sent out required by the UMB Bank to change financial authority at the Library for accounts held at UMB. Mr. Slattery explained that the resolution added Mr. Slattery to the approved list as CFO and Mr. Volpe as President. Mr. Savage made the motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Mr. Sweeney. The motion was approved unanimously. 

Executive Session
Mr. Sweeney made a motion to go into executive session to discuss real estate and legal matters, seconded by Mr. Savage. The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote. The Board went into executive session at 6:30. 

The Board came out of executive session at 6:50. Mr. Dubinsky made a motion to adjourn the Board meeting, seconded by Mr. Sweeney. The motion was unanimously approved. 

At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Public Library on October 3, 2022, the following actions were taken: 

Mr. Sweeney moved:  that the Board approve the minutes of the September 12, 2022 meeting. MOTION APPROVED
In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Volpe, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, and Mr. Sweeney.
Mr. Dubinsky moved:  that the slate of officers put forth by the Nominating Committee in September consisting of Mr. Volpe, President and Mr. Savage, Vice President, be approved. MOTION APPROVED
In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Volpe, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, and Mr. Sweeney.
Mr. Sweeney moved:  That the Board go into Executive Session to discuss MOTION APPROVED
In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Volpe, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, and Mr. Sweeney.
Mr. Dubinsky moved:  that be meeting be adjourned. MOTION APPROVED
In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Volpe, Mr. Dubinsky, Ms. Rainford, Mr. Savage, and Mr. Sweeney.
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