Board of Directors Meeting: August 2, 2021

In attendance were Nina North-Murphy, President, presiding; Jacque Land, Keith Savage, Thomas Schlafly, and Vince Volpe, Vice President. 

Also present were Chief Executive Officer Waller McGuire and staff members Tiffany Davis, Jon Drakesmith, Cathy Heimberger, William Jackson, Joe Monahan, Daisy Porter-Reynolds, Anna Strackeljahn, Justin Struttmann, and Jen Wiese; Liz Reeves, Foundation, and Lisa Stump, Lashly & Baer. 

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Ms. North-Murphy. 

Minutes: Mr, Volpe's motion, seconded by Mr. Savage, to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2021 meeting was approved. 

Public Comment: No public comment was received for the July meeting. 

Chief Executive Officer's Report: 

  • Mr. McGuire noted a new program making electronic and downloadable materials available to inmates in the Justice Center: working with the Justice Center, Library staff were able to operate within the security requirements of the institution and make cards and materials available to inmates. Over 280 cards have been issued to inmates initially. Mr. Schlafly asked that the new program be publicized since it is innovative and important.
  • The financial statements through June were distributed with the Board packets. Mr. Jackson reported that both expenditures and revenue were tracking as budgeted, and he was confident the fiscal year was moving forward in good shape. Mr. McGuire reminded the Board that the 2022 budget would be taken to the Fiscal Affairs Committee and then brought to the full Board for consideration in September, as required by state law.
  • The Human Resources report noted that recruiting and interviewing continued at a fast rate in order to fill positions reduced by attrition during the pandemic. HR is re-surveying staff to get current and accurate vaccination rates. Mr. Volpe asked what the Library's policy was on vaccinations, and Ms. Wiese responded that the Library currently requires disclosure but does not mandate vaccination.
  • The Foundation report included staffing changes and work on the 2022 fundraising gala.

New Business:
• President North-Murphy asked whether there were any questions about the staff's proposed new Circulation Policy, which had been distributed for the Board's consideration in July, and was included in the August Board packet along with a staff summary of the proposed modifications. Mr. Savage questioned the limit of 75 items, asking from the perspective of making certain all customers had a wide selection of new and popular materials to choose from. Ms. Porter-Reynolds summarized staff approach to this issue and other reasons for the changes. Mr. Savage moved that the revised Circulation Policy be approved, seconded by Mr. Schlafly. The motion was unanimously approved. 

• President North-Murphy asked whether there were any questions concerning the Conflict of Interest Resolution, distributed in the Board packet and required by the Missouri Ethics Commission biannually. There being no questions, she asked for a motion. Mr. Savage moved the updated 2021 Conflict of Interest Resolution be approved, second by Mr. Schlafly. 

The motion was unanimously approved. 

Executive Session 
• President North-Murphy called for a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss contracts and legal matters. Mr. Volpe moved to go into executive session, seconded by Mr. Savage. President North-Murphy, Mr. Land, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, Mr. Volpe unanimously approved the motion to go into Executive Session. 

At 6:05 p.m. the Board came out of Executive Session and Mr. Schlafly moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Savage. The motion was approved unanimously. 

At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Public Library on August 2, 2021, the following actions were taken: 

Mr. Volpe moved:  that the Board approve the minutes of the July 12, 2021 meeting. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Land, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) 
Mr. Savage moved:  that the revised Circulation Policy be approved. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Land, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) 
Mr. Savage moved: that the revised 2021 Conflict of Interest Resolution be approved. (In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Land, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.)  
Mr. Volpe moved: that the Board go into Executive Session to discuss contracts and legal matters. (In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Land, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) 
Mr. Schlafly moved:  that be meeting be adjourned. (In favor Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Land, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.) 
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