Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – April 4, 2016

In attendance were John Dubinsky, President, presiding; Gabriel Gore, Jacque Land, Nina North-Murphy, Keith Savage, Thomas F. Schlafly, and Vince Volpe.

Also present were Executive Director Waller McGuire and staff members Barry Berry, Gerald Brooks, Patty Carleton, Diane Freiermuth, Cathy Heimberger, William Jackson, Kathy Leitle, Sarah Parker, Pepi Parshall, and Lisa Wolfe; Lisa Stump, Lashly & Baer; and Liz Reeves, Library Foundation.

Mr. Dubinsky called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.


Mr. Savage's motion to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2016 Board meeting, seconded by Mr. Schlafly, was approved.


Mr. McGuire noted that copies of an article from The Atlantic entitled "The Library Card," as well as two articles form St. louis Public Radio, one about NLEC occupancy permit testimony and the other about the June end of "The Bridge" services at Centenary Methodist Church, were included in the Board packets.

President's Report:

Mr. Dubinsky reported that:

  • He had talked to people at City Hall about NLEC and the Bridge situation. NLEC has applied for another building permit, the City is currently building a homeless facility called the Biddle House that is schedule to open in the fall, and The Bridge services at Centenary Methodist will end in June.
  • The Library Board and Foundation Board event April 3 to celebrate the completion on the Capital Campaign was a great success.
  • Mr. Gore has been appointed by the Governor to be on the Board of Missouri State University, so this meeting will be Mr. Gore's last on the Library Board.
  • Mayor Slay has asked for names of possible new Library Board Members. Mr. Dubinsky asked that current Board Members contact him with possible names.

Fiscal Affairs Committee Report:

Mr. Volpe reported on the Fiscal Affairs Committee meeting of March 28, 2016. He stated that the auditors had issued an unmodified clean opinion for the audit and that Brown Smith Wallace representatives had presented an update on the implementation of the McGladrey recommendations concerning investments and internal controls, stating that good progress has been made.

Mr. Jackson distributed copies of the audit report to the Board. Mr. Volpe's motion, seconded by Mr. Savage, to accept the audit was approved.

Mr. Jackson also distributed a document summarizing the revenue and expenses of the Library during the last fiscal year that did not include any Foundation funds It showed that revenue exceeded expenses by $277,137.

Executive Director's Report:

  • Mr. McGuire stated that programming for Black History Month had been very successful this year. Mr. Dubinsky thanked staff for extraordinary work.
  • An online tool called BiblioCommons has been purchased that will allow the Library to update the website and make it much more flexible and dynamic. He also mentioned that the Library will be purchasing a computer backup system so that there will be another copt of system files in a second location. Board Members asked that Dave Halbeck give a report on backup possibilities at the next meeting.
  • Mr. Berry presented the HR Report.
  • Mr. Jackson presented the Financial Report.
  • Mr. McGuire stated that Mr. Boyers has also resigned from the Library Board.
  • Ms. Reeves presented the Foundation Report stated that she will be scheduling a meeting of the Foundation Review Committee composed of members from both Boars and the Executive Director, that with the closing of he Capital Campaign the Major Donor sign was being reprinted, that the direct mail campaign piece fro Friends of the Library will go out in May.
  • Mr. McGuire stated that sic staff members, including himself, would be attending the Public Library Association Meeting in Denver later in the month.

Unfinished Business:

Mr. McGuire distributed the reports of the five staff workgroups that each reviewed one of the goals of the strategic plan. These documents will be used to create action steps for each of the five goals in the plan. Mr. McGuire plans to bring the completed plan to the Board at the June meeting.

Mr. McGuire has received seventy-five applications for the new position of Chief Operating Officer and has begun the process of selecting applicants to interview.

New Business:

Two policies were included in the Board packets for consideration: "Library Technology Acceptable Use Policy" and "Computer Training Center Policy". Mr. McGuire will ask for the Board to give approval of these policies at the next Board Meeting.

Mr. Schlafly's motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Savage, was approved by a unanimous vote. The regular Board Meeting ended at 7:01 p.m.

At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Public Library on April 4, 2016, the following actions were taken:

Mr. Savage moved: tat the Board approve the minutes of the meeting of March 1, 2016. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.)
Mr. Volpe moved: that the Board accept the 2015 audit. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.)
Mr. Schlafly moved: that the meeting adjourn. MOTION APPROVED (In favor Mr. Dubinsky, Mr. Gore, Mr. Land, Ms. North-Murphy, Mr. Savage, Mr. Schlafly, and Mr. Volpe.)